Saturday, December 13, 2008

Life is moving too fast

Since I last posted my life has gone into overdrive. I have a new job that I am starting the first week in January, I am packing up and my husband and I are moving from sunny southern California to snowy wintery Wyoming! I'm going from a handcrafted house that we built to an 1889 Victorian. A town of 14,000 to a town of 4,000. And to answer the question that everyone seems to be asking.... yes there will be a guest room for visitors to sleep over. Glen Oaks Designs is leaving Glen Oaks!!

While my life is packed up in boxes I put my Etsy site on hold. I had been spinning in overdrive and have a banker's box over flowing with yummy scrumptous hand spun yarns. I also have four hand blended batts for my spinners. The batts are Merino/ Silk, Merino/silk/Mohair, Alpaca, Paco Vicuna, silk/ merino/polwarth. I have a collection of a dozen mini balls of blended fiber all spun up and two plied in various blends of silk, Merino, Mohair, Polwarth and Wensleydale. They will be sold as a set and are over a gram of fiber. I also have several larger mini balls with more yardage to them that will be at firesale prices once I get back up and running. The 50/50 Alpaca Mohair is spectacular. I will be posting these up on my ravelry site for any ravelry people interested in a preview. If you want to reserve something let me know. Speaking of which I have two pair of socks I need to put in the finish pile. And I have started a lace scarf that has only been frogged a half dozen times. This evening I frogged it to the cast on... I wasn't happy with a section of it.

I have a moving company coming on Sunday for an estimate, I have another on on Wednesday but after reading the website were people rate moving companies I am thinking of doing one of those "pod-like" you pack things- they drive it. We can put furniture in one, indoor thing in a second and outdoor things in a third. We will be having a huge yard sale with lots of new items some never used and still in their sealed packages ... I have a second breadmaker like that. We will be selling our home theater seating. I will hate to see that go. I spend many an hour with my feet up watching TV and movies knitting and spinning. Ok I don't recline while I spin. I do weave my viking chain while chillin'.

I will be closer to my sister for the time being. We never live close to each other - the fates just don't allow it. Of course this means she'll get that choice job in Chicago now. Our moving there seals that deal. I still will be making my appearance at the Tucson Gem and Mineral show. I can be mostly found at the 2Beadtrueblue show and the Manning House show. I will also be haunting the Rio Grande Catalog in Motion. I am am also making plans to go to a few sheep and wool shows maybe black sheep gathering. Who knows I might even make it back to SOAR.

So right now it's getting ready to get the heck out of Dodge. Actually I am moving closer to Dodge.

My last day at work is Friday the 19th. That will be culture shock on multi levels. I have worked for the same company for a decade most of which from home. Now it's a new company and I'm going into work every day in an office and interacting with people and wearing clothes. Not that I did tech support naked because I didn't. I just didn't wear things that matched or that I'd wear out of the house. Not even to do gardening. I have been shopping. I highly recommend the LLBean lambs wool cardie. It's like a hug. I needed a hug so I got 3. The new office is not a high trafic office but jeeze recently I haven't really been around humans for almost 6 weeks since my hubbins has been up there already finding us a place to live and working his job. I even use the self check out line at the grocery store. I really don't interact with others. It will be what I call the "raised by wolves" syndrom. Me getting used to being a person interacting with other people. I think most of my job is self motivated and just getting things done. I work very well like that. And no more having to talk people into doing things they don't want to. No more getting yelled at just because the economy is in the twalette (spelled toilet) No more mandatory overtime because two people want to beat each other up. The down side is I just qualified for four weeks of vacation... I'm back down to 12 days. An upside is we are near about 5 spectacular locations where we have a timeshare. I can see weekend vacations will be more fun or is the popular term "funner"?

Well it's 3 am AGAIN!! I really need to stop doing this and go to sleep at a decent hour. I sleep better with Hubbins around. He should be here in 17 hours.

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