Friday, November 14, 2008

Knitting Therapy

I'm knitting again. Same 'ol same 'ol. It's been keeping me sane. I tried doing some wire work. I couldn't get it to do what I wanted it to. I spent a few days uploading to my ravelry page. Geeze that's addicting. I actually spent an evening photographing my stash. On one hand it was fun. On the other hand it's embarrassing. I was taking pictures of YARN. I still have to post my hand spun assortment. That's going to take some time. I was discussing with a customer today the fact that people in low tech crafts like knitting and crochet and spinning and all that use the high tech information superhighway to discuss their low tech hobbies. It's cool!

I was toying with working on Thanksgiving but the idea of having a day off over ruled. The Job is turning into a job so I cherish my off time. My world is a little upside down right now. The worse things get the better off I will be, but if they get better instead of worse then that would be bad. I guess that explains a lot.

The fish is doing much better. While I was at SOAR he had decided to jump out of his tank and flop around on the floor. He's big enough that my husband heard the thumping and rescued him and put him back. He was a little torn up but OK. A few days later his food got lodged behind some driftwood in his tank and he wore a spot on the end of his nose off. It was down to the cartilage and very scary. We started giving him some wound treatment in his water and he started to develop these bubble like blisters. I did some research on the condition and found that it was deadly and needed to be treated ASAP. So we did what the websites recommended and removed plants and supped up the bubbler to aerate the water and he's healing fine. His fat belly is all better, the wounds on his tail are gone and his nose is almost back to normal. In a few more weeks he'll be 100%. I raised him from a 2 1/2 inch fishy who survived two fire evacuations, algae bloom and now this. He's about 14 inches now. His tail fin is bigger now than he was when I got him.

My sister blogged about me.. I blogged right back at her. There we go again with the information superhighway.

I'm going to sign off I want to knit a few more rows before casting on some Z's. I haven't been sleeping well. Maybe I should try felting some Z's. I'd count sheep but I would be ogling fleeces instead of resting.

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