Saturday, June 20, 2009

Back to basics

For the past week I have been held captive by stupid online computer game. The two weeks before that I was held captive by an even more stupid computer game. Today I am trying to get back on track. I started spinning again. I received my copy of Maggie Casey's new spinning DVD. It inspired me to get my wheel spinning. I must say my spinning is loftier and more even. I knitted up a sample with Polwarth and it's soft and lovely.

I put together a necklace last night. It is sterling silver bead and waxed linen thread. It's very delicate. I would do it again with heavier cord but it's very wearable.

I am going to spend a chunk of my day photographing my new pieces for my webstore and I really need to update my website. I really should finish that felted purse and get that up on the store.

If I can stay off the computer and stay awake.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Well yes it snowed

This past weekend, I saw more of my new state than I had before. Previously I had seen Yellowstone,and out east to Cody. On the way out here from California, we saw the road from Evanston to Casper and up to Buffalo and from Buffalo to Sheridan. Last week I had to drive out to Gillette with my boss and that expanded my horizons a little. I also drove up to Billings, Montana which took me through Ranchester. This weekend we went through Gillette and all the way to Devils Tower. That was cool. Made me crave mashed potatoes. This means something!

Sunday the weather forecast was for fun, a.k.a. snow. So we loaded up the car and drove over the mountain to Winchester, a little town south west of Worland has my name all over it. It's funny, my sister says they aren't relatives, however we do have relatives in the Neighboring town of Worland. We went looking for the Cemetery but couldn't find it so we turned around and went home. Maybe next time we'll go north and go to Medicine Lodge Archaeological park or maybe down south a little more to Thermopolis. Eventually I want to see the whole state.

On the fiber front, I finished the first of the Woodsy socks. I'll start the send one after dinner ... after I harvest my crops on Farm Town (a facebook app) I am not addicted to Farm town.. I know because I took the "Are you addicted to Farm Town" quiz.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

June 07,2009 The weather report said snow

Snow? Snow!! We drove to Devils Tower today and looked around. We hiked a little on the trails, hung out with the prairie dogs and got rained on. I took some great pictures of everything from trees and rocks to prairie dogs and wild turkeys. Tomorrow we are going out to Winchester (just past Worland) to visit the family cemetery. I think I'll knit in the evening. I want to finish the first of the Woodsy socks. I am doing the gusset so it's not really that much to go!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A quick update

I am still knitting the first sock of the Woodsy socks. I haven't done much because I have been held captive in facebook. It's more than an social networking site- its got to be a scientific experiment and it's like a 2nd job. Between that and twitter and my blog I haven't had time. To do anything. I need to catch up with my Etsy site.

I had an adventure at work today. I got my lesson in Coal Bed Methane wells and local geology.

Finally a Man vs Wild worth watching. But it took Will Ferrel to do it.

Back to knitting