Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Holy Wah! I'm knitting again!!

It's been a knitting drought for almost a year now. I started that pair of green striped socks after breaking the sock curse and ....[insert sounds of crickets] Yeah well chalk it up to the sock curse and that 9 months of Evony addiction [2 months clean and NPC free] I attribute my return to normalcy to three people. The first is a gifted hypnotist from Seattle who broke me of the evil addiction. It took a few tries with reinforcement but it worked. The second a new online friend who pointed out that I was smart and really should be doing something with that. The third is my sister who ungrafted the sock that was holding me back from picking up my needles again. So I hit the start button on life and started doing things again. Let's compare to last year.... Prior to June 11Th I was knitting and watching TV. I think it was the same 6 movies over and over. Gone in 60 Seconds, The New Guy, Groundhog Day, The Holiday, Mad Money, and Pretty Woman. Yeah I know pretty pathetic. But compare to after June 11th. Evony and watching said movies. Extremely pathetic.

Fast forward to this year.. two trips by myself out of state. I have been taking day excursions by myself to see some of the sites around Wyoming and also have started fishing again. For those of you who know of my Social Anxiety Disorder and borderline agoraphobia you know that that was a monumental feat. Knitting had to come back into my life. Have to keep those idle hands busy.

Been working on jewelry again. Well designing it .. can't work in my "shop space" it's not conducive to production. That's the one really nice thing about the house in Buffalo... It had a room for fiber and sewing and a shop space for metal and glass. I will have to adjust. The exciting thing about designing jewelry this time is I have a purpose. I found a call for artists for a book that someone is doing on the Steampunk aesthetic. One of my favorites! I have three designs but only one could I put together in the amount of time I I will settle for the lesser of the three designs. I still have to execute the design.. I will start on that this weekend.

So back to knitting... I have that 2nd sock to finish. Just saying that shakes a fist at the sock gods who curse those that talk about their projects. The patron saint of U.F.O.s I will finish this pair and wear them proudly. Take that those who would stand in my way!!

Oh and my next trip is planned. It will be fiberific. I am going to the Estes Park Wool Market. That should be fun. Me... fiber... and no one to tell me I can't!

Monday, April 19, 2010

That time of year

The weather outside to way too nice to sit inside and be on the computer.. It's time to pack up the crackberry and the spinning wheel and go out on the deck and enjoy the longer, warmer afternoons. I was out there a few minutes ago watching Mr. and Mrs. Mallard tooling around one of the still pools of the creek. They too were enjoying the sunshine and the spring warmth. No leaves yet on the trees but the evergreens are soothing. The sound of the flowing water relaxes me. I can't wait to take the storm windows off and have that sound lull me to sleep at night again.

Now for the big decision .... which wheel do I take out on the deck? One of the Kromskis? or the odd Irish tension wheel? I could go light and bring out a drop spindle... naw.. that chocolate creamy alpaca is calling my name.. it deserves a wheel. Ok .. I promise to ply the Polwarth tonight. I'm going to use the method my sister showed me last week. very intriguing. Wind the bobbin into a center pull ball and ply from both ends. But that's this evening.. right here ..right now .. put down the damned computer and walk away..pick up a wheel .. any wheel and spin. Listen to the water. Relax and let the troubles of the day flow down stream. Away from me .. away from the house... out of the neighborhood out of the hollar and down the valley. Diluting as the creek branches come together and flowing away far away. Past the dam... past the freeway and disappearing into the lake..