Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Is there any way to slow this train down?????

Life is moving too fast. A lot like a run away train. Since once again I stayed up past midnight (Craig Ferguson on the tube as I type) There are six days until I start my new job. No, I have not hired a mover yet. We are still frantically packing. Everything is packed except a pocket of dishes in the kitchen, the bedroom, and the tool shed. We are living in a warehouse. However we built this house so comfortable and with so much character you would think that we hadn't packed a thing.

I hate to break it to Hubbins but it's (one of)our aniversarie(s) If I say " Hey honey guess what day it is?!" he cowers and says "Our anniversary?" Generally not, although the odds are good.

Well today (once I wake up from sleeping ) we finish up the packing. We probably will call up a mover and book them so we will gauge when we will actually be up in Wyoming. Hopefully by the 5th. I need to call the cable company and schedule start of service. I need the Discover Channel by Tuesday the 06th because a new show is starting called "Wreckreation Nation". I also need my Internet- can't not have the Internet.

I am almost half way done with my next knitting project. I still have to take pictures of my last couple of projects like the second pair of Austermann Step socks and the hat I knit for Hubbins... and the mishap with the green Merino socks. I think after I finish this project I might try another pair of gloves. I took out my first pair done with the Hooray for Me pattern by Marnie Mac Lean and they are different from each other -I had accidentally made them with two different colorways. Luckily I have a two matching pair skeins of yarn so I can finish both pair.

Well it's an hour past Ferguson ... time for bed. I have to get up early and start packing again. Hopefully finish. We have to get this show on the road. New Year, new home, new state, new job, new life, new adventures.

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