Friday, December 19, 2008

To day is the first day of the rest of my life

It's Friday. I am not on vacation nor is it a holiday. It's almost 10:00am and I am not tied to a computer or phone with a curly umbilical doing tech support for the first time in almost a decade. When I walked out of the building last night for the last time I got all the way out of the gate before I started crying. It wasn't tears of relief or joy or sadness or anything really. It was just bundled up emotion that had no place to go. I feel jilted in a way though because I feel like I didn't get to properly say goodbye. The company policy has been for years that when you leave you send out a farewell to the masses. The exception was if you were fired. Then you just were quietly escorted out of the building by security. I left on my own with two weeks notice but because of recent "workforce reduction" efforts I had the bad timing to pick the same week to leave as the "involuntary separation" group and the "early retirement" group so my goodbye didn't get sent. I guess they didn't want to flood the email waves with "junk". So there is a vast majority of people whom I worked with for almost a decade that do not know that I am gone and when they find out I am gone won't know it was not because of the work force reductions!! Whatever!! i am free and I can do what I want (today) because starting tomorrow it's start packing up the house for the big move.

I am trying to talk myself out of having to back up all of the hours of content on my DVRs. I am trying to find if most or all of the programming is available or online. So far except for my TV interview on the local news from 2005 everything seems to be easy. I figure some of the series I have I can either get again at my new house on my new cable company or purchase the media online.

I don't feel like doing much today. Maybe I'll play dress up doll and go through my closet and decide what to keep and what to donate. I should clean the library so that we can take pictures of it before packing it up. Since we finished the house (ha!) we haven't taken any proper photos. We are planning to do that. I figure we can do at least one room a day and several rooms within a day too I can see packing both bathrooms the home theatre and the laundry room all in one day. My office is going to be a nightmare. I have a few evil plans that might make moving it easier and less expensive. If regular stock bookcases with peg adjustable shelves have the same size, spacing and hole setback I can leave the big bookcases and get new ones. Or I can replace them one by one from the Nearest Ikea (Denver).

I plan to finish my Kirchner's stitches on all my unfinished projects and start another pair of socks. I need to be knitting right now. It keeps me grounded, it keeps me sane. Oh yeah... before I pack the paperwork and never see it again. I have to do my sales taxes for my business and find my birth certificate or social security card so I can show up to my new job next month prepared.

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