Sunday, January 4, 2009

Busy busy busy!!

Well the house is almost packed up I am still only a little more than halfway through of one knitting project and started a second today. I found my abandoned ball of silky wool conveniently next to my lace pattern. I got all the way through one round of instructions. I don't have a comfortable place to knit today because my father showed up to pick up the home theatre seating we were donating to him. No place to sit so once we got home from setting it up for him we disassembled the home theatre. So now it's basic cable on the tiny TV in the bedroom. I shouldn't complain, there are wars and starving people and global warming!!

There are 8 days until I start the new job. I'm a little nervous about missing the magic paperwork window. It's one of those has to be filled out and filed with the pee test within three days. We told them to send it to the office but we won't be in town until at least Thursday. I almost hope it comes Monday especially since we leave Tuesday.

Hubbins gave me another Yuletide gifty today. It was a beginners book of enameling. Yeah baby it's cool! I drooled on it for a while and started making mental lists of tools and ingredients needed. I have had some really interesting projects planned for enameling. I purchased a tiny piece of enamel jewelry when I was probably 11 or 12 years old and was fascinated by it. It was a forest scene and the artist's name was Maki I think. I think enamel and PMC are very interesting medium to design in plus you can do enamel on PMC. Yes the kiln is going in the car and is already packed. We were out running errands last week or so and happened to drive by a chefs supply store. I picked up three sizes of lidded stainless steel pans (like fast food restaurants use for ingredients like pickles and tomatoes. They are for firing PMC bronze which needs to be done emerged in charcoal to come out correctly. I've had great plans for PMC bronze, even before it was invented.

Well I had better cut it short tonight,if it were a week night Ferguson would be on the TV. I want to knit a bit before I crash out.

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