Monday, January 12, 2009

Check off another new experience

Today was the first day of the new job. I'm kind of in free fall there. I'm pretty much the go to person for everything. I don't know what "everything" is yet but it seems to be just that, everything. I'm their Girl Friday, the hub of their communications network. I have a lot of stuff to learn. I don't even know what I don't know that I need to know. Time to make a "how to " manual as I go.

On the fiber front, I have decided to frogg the second half of my project. It has three problems. The first is a dropped stitch about a half an inch into the second half of the project. That was surmountable. A few inches later I skipped a needle which left several inches of hanging yarn on the inside of the project then there was the two needles dropping out while we were on the road. It's time to frogg it.

I started jonesing for spinning today. I have my travel wheel here and about 4oz of fiber (2oz Llama and 2 oz Alpaca) That should take me about an hour to spin up. I was going to play with it today but I took a nap this evening. They said on the news this evening sleep is good for you. It supposed to help prevent colds and help keep weight off.

It snowed today. I was expecting it. Everyone else seemed to be surprised. Don't they watch the weather channel?? I expect more snow on Wednesday/Thursday. I've put people on notice about it. Hopefully they will be less surprised.

Hubbins procrastinated in putting the snow thrower together. I paid the price this morning. It's still not running so we will be trudging through the snow out to the car tomorrow morning. I need to put together a snow maintenance manual for him. Although I should talk, you don't see me out there with a shovel!

I know it's early but I'm headed to bed. Things happen an hour earlier in Mountain time.... even sleep!

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