Sunday, May 24, 2009

Hell bent on breaking the sock curse

As you may know I have been hexed with a sock curse. If I am knitting a sock and speak of it, the sock does not get finished. I stared a pair last night around 9:00pm and was finished the first one by 11:pm tonight. I had an inch done on the 2nd one by Midnight. I will continue working on it tomorrow. Picture to follow

1 comment:

Kathryn Whitehouse said...

You must be very fast!

I tried using double pointed needles for the first time two days ago and it was like wrestling with a porcupine, as your sister so poetically describes it.

I couldn't join the first round very well, and the bind off was weird, too. I hate to shell out $$ on lessons, but unless the library and youtube help me, then I'll pay for lessons.