Monday, April 19, 2010

That time of year

The weather outside to way too nice to sit inside and be on the computer.. It's time to pack up the crackberry and the spinning wheel and go out on the deck and enjoy the longer, warmer afternoons. I was out there a few minutes ago watching Mr. and Mrs. Mallard tooling around one of the still pools of the creek. They too were enjoying the sunshine and the spring warmth. No leaves yet on the trees but the evergreens are soothing. The sound of the flowing water relaxes me. I can't wait to take the storm windows off and have that sound lull me to sleep at night again.

Now for the big decision .... which wheel do I take out on the deck? One of the Kromskis? or the odd Irish tension wheel? I could go light and bring out a drop spindle... naw.. that chocolate creamy alpaca is calling my name.. it deserves a wheel. Ok .. I promise to ply the Polwarth tonight. I'm going to use the method my sister showed me last week. very intriguing. Wind the bobbin into a center pull ball and ply from both ends. But that's this evening.. right here ..right now .. put down the damned computer and walk away..pick up a wheel .. any wheel and spin. Listen to the water. Relax and let the troubles of the day flow down stream. Away from me .. away from the house... out of the neighborhood out of the hollar and down the valley. Diluting as the creek branches come together and flowing away far away. Past the dam... past the freeway and disappearing into the lake..

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