Thursday, January 1, 2009

I'm off to a great start

Most people start the new year making resolutions. Things like lose 10 pounds or stop smoking or give more to charity. I don't do that anymore. I tend to break them. In fact I think last year my resolution was to blog once a day. While I did better than last year, my 365 days of crafting didn't happen. I even abandoned that blog when I started this one. Nope but even without setting a resolution I did what a lot of people aspire to do. I lost weight. On a lark I weighed myself before I went to bed and on the way up i drank a liter of water. I was more than a bit puffy from too much sodium and like magic I was still a bit puffy but when I weighed in when I got up I was seven pounds lighter. So if I could do that every day (lose 7 pounds or even lose just one pound) I would be at my target weight (if I lost a pound a day ) sometime in mid July.

The house is almost packed. We figured out what to do with the trophy heads. We carefully packed them two in a box with lots of stuffing. We are going to top them off with some packing peanuts tomorrow. We have to finish the tool shed and all outside stuff tomorrow before the rain hits on Saturday. We might be totally done by tomorrow night which would give up a few days of nothing to do. Hubbins didn't even argue when I suggested a dry run with packing the personal vehicles. We would hate to send the truck off with everything and hope to get everything else in the car and truck only to find something didn't fit. That would suck. We will be prepared. We even decided which route to take and hopefully which hotels to stay at.

I didn't get much knitting done today. For most of the day I was missing my fifth needle. I found it then got distracted. I think I'll set a goal of getting to the next change on my pattern that should only be in about a dozen rows. If we finish packing the house early I can finish my project.

Speaking of crafts, I saw an infomercial today for this really cool craft tool. It's the Cricut Expression. It's a friggin' vinyl cutter! You can make rubber stamps! It cuts chipboard!! You can make stencils for painting and even glass etching! It's really cool! I told Hubbins that I wanted it for my birthday. We shall see. It could be a banner year in the gift department. If I reach my next weight goal I get the Nintendo Wii Fit, and on my birthday the Cricut Expressions.

Yesterday I alluded to my next great craft project. It's starts with a sad story that you probably have already heard. In 2003 Southern California had the worst wild fire in the state's history. In it we lost everything. Now for the cool part. I had a reproduction phrenology head in my collection of stuff. On the bad side it was destroyed. On the cool side most of the face is intact and big portions of the cranium are intact. Ceramic objects with cool designs or writing make cool jewelry when cut to size and embellished. I have a whole bunch of pieces that are going to make really neat art pieces or jewelry. It's kind of a weird thing that we kept three large trash cans filled with glass, ceramic and metal. We at one time had gone through the remains of the house and saved so much stuff. It was going to be an art project like a mosaic but like everything else with the house was a future project.Since we are moving everything in our life those parts (mostly) are not coming with us. 99% of those mementos are going away. Going through it was painful and in some cases it was a "what was I thinking when I saved that?" moment.

4 days before the big move.
10 days until I start my new job.
Ferguson is on the TV- again.
it's time for bed.

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