Wednesday, December 17, 2008

To box or not to box that is the question

I like fresh starts but I hate moving. The packing and the boxing and the stacking and the not knowing where anything is.... I don't like it. So here is our big decision. Do we pack it all up? or do we have the moving company pack it all up? Is it better to put the plasma carefully in the car or pay for the $350 box... that's just the box!! I'm thinking box the little stuff have them wrap and carry the big stuff and take heavy stuff and essentials with us. We need a microwave, the hot pot some clothes, the air bed, and bedding and the TVs.

Getting the new cell phone service is proving an adventure. I have to give up my Samsung Instinct. I love my phone but Sprint is not in Wyoming. Anywhere. We are looking at Verizon because they have 3g phones and the biggest coverage in the area. I don't do ATT. It's the cable in me. Now do I go for the Crackberry or the Smart phone. Does my cell phone really need a 5 megapixal camera? Which one can I mobile blog from? Can I update my Etsy account and take PayPal payments on the spot? How about show off my website and online store while at shows and faires?? Podcasting??

I am having crafting withdrawals. I can't get anywhere with my lace scarf. That thing has been frogged more that the rainforest. I want to start some socks but I have to pack first. If not I will just sit and knit. If I can pack fast enough I can take some knitting time. My last day at work if tomorrow. The end of an era. Once I walk out of there I start a whole new life. After the fray of relocating and learning the new slows down. I see lots of spinning in my future. Lots of knitting and felting and other craftwork. That's because I see lots of snow in my future. Tomorrow the hight is 23 deg and Saturday the high is -4 deg and the low is -17 deg.

Well it's off to bed so I can be rested for my last day at the job. It should be interesting.

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