Friday, November 7, 2008

My Secret Plan for World Domination

If I told you it wouldn't be secret. However you will know it when it happens because you will start seeing my name everywhere and I won't be the only person typing it.

I carded 50 grams of a lovely Merino/ Tussah blend in a shimmering green this past weekend then spun it up into a lovely yarn. This upcoming weekend, if I can find that colorful blend I got in the grab bag at soar, I'm going to spin it up in a wolf style yarn and maybe throw in some Wensleydale locks and a spit or two of leftovers. It will be a true novelty yarn. I have been redesigning the popular Wrap & Roll jewelery designs that have become popular in the fiber crowds and am planning my own version that I think will take the concept up a notch. I need some new cutting edge stuff for Tucson which is coming up fast in 12 weeks and counting. Last year I had my trinket jewelery. I have some enamel demons to exercise and I will be rocking the viking chain. I want to do some PMC focal beads and maybe some charms.

Ok I've told you too much. No really! You know how superstitious I am! That and it's 1:30am and I need to be up tomorrow for work. I really need to drag my @$$ out of the house tomorrow after work and go grocery shopping and send off a FedEx package.

Well time to cast some zzzz

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